TRX Cardio Rip Workout!
Dynamic Warm-up TRX Style
TRX Squat Jumps (I modified for the hip...)
TRX Chest Flys
TRX Hamstring Bridge Release
TRX Ab Tucks
TRX Rows
TRX Curtsy Squats
TRX Overhead Tricep Press
TRX Straight Arm Lat Pulls
TRX Standing Side Plank w/ hip ABD
TRX Power Lunge Drives
Static Stretching Cool-down TRX Style
You don't have to have a TRX to get in these exercises. Just do all of these drills the traditional way if you want to do the same muscle groups! TRX is fab though for total body core training at the same time!!
So this crazy girl can't get enough outdoor swimming, even if it is Oct. 2nd!! The water was a brisk 78 degrees...but I'll take it after the 76-77 degree temps I've been in lately! FYI Dad...I'll love you forever if you get that pool heater fixed! HA! I know, I know...Mom's already on it. They have the best pool ever so I can't complain. This little swimmer is spoiled rotten that is for sure! Today's water workout...
1500m Freestyle....logged it in 25 minutes! Not too shabby. This has been my only form of exercise for the past 4 months!
I feel GOOD! My body temp is cool right now, great for my hip... it really helps to keep that inflammatory response down!
Now for the rest of my day! It's all good nutrition to back up the workouts...I'll give you an idea of how this trainer chic eats too...pictures are worth a thousand words...and honestly I think it will take me less time than typing it all out!
Yes, you caught me...that is whip cream on top of my coffee...it is the "light" whip cream...with a little dusting of cinnamon...did I mention the pumpkin spice creamer?? Every girl gets to have a little fun once in a while...
Clearly I'm jonesin' for raspberries this time of year! I need my whole grain...and some peppers on my sandwich for that little crunch I love! Spinach is one of my favorite power foods. Keepin' it colorful!! I'll add dinner later if I get the chance...but here are a few sample meals!
Easy Peazy Doggie Time!
My sweet Bella and I headed out for a quick mile walk after lunch. She's an old girl now so our walks are short and sweet. Just perfect for a girl on recovery!
Grilled BBQ Hawaiian Turkey Burgers with Grilled Pineapple, Cilantro Guacamole, and Grilled Orange Peppers fresh from the garden! Yummo! This girl loves to cook! AND EAT!!!! :)
That's it for today! Check ya later...get some sleep tonight it's key to success in the weight room!
Awe! You're the best! I can at least still cook...even if I can't perform like an athletic superstar!! Hahaha! Sorry about grossing you out with the surgery pics! Tell Ash she's my girl! :)