If you are interested in losing weight and boosting your metabolism one of the best things you can do is hit the gym and start pumping some iron. The majority of our energy consumed is used to fuel muscular contractions. The more muscle mass we have, the more energy we burn (calories). How do you build muscle mass? Evidence based science shows that lifting 6-12 repetition max sets gives the highest results of muscular hypertrophy (an increase in muscle fiber size). Highest results come form doing 3-5 sets for each muscle group.
I do not recommend starting with 6-12 RM sets for an untrained individual. If you are new to weight lifting you need to first build up your muscular endurance. To build up muscular endurance you want to pick a weight that you can achieve 15-20 reps. You should shoot for 2-3 sets of each exercise. This should be your goal for 4-6 weeks before starting a more strenuous workout regimen.
For athletes, sport specific training is vital to your success. If you are a marathon runner or endurance athlete, you do not want to shoot for hypertrophic results during your "in-season". The ratio of fast to slow twitch muscle fibers shifts depending upon your sport. To be successful in your current athletic endeavor you want to pin point the type of fiber recruitment that is most beneficial for your sport and train accordingly. Speak to a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist to learn the periodization training that is right for you.
As always speak to a health care professional before starting any fitness routine.